Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Physical and Health Fitness Tips

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The World Health Organization (WHO) describes health a s state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or injury. The state of an individual wellness is more than the absence of disease or defect, disability, pain or decay. It encompasses the presence of vigor and vitality, social well-being and zest for living.

Our physical and health fitness possesses emotional, spiritual and mental components. It is a dynamic process and must therefore be pursued as a means to richer fuller life.

An individual genetics endowment, personal environment including social, cultural and physical conditions will influence his level of physical and health fitness at any given moment in life.

Also, our behavior, style of living and the way we relate with members of the society where we live will markedly influence our level of well being and protect us from different kinds of ailment. Health is therefore a constellation of circumstances. This, it is very vital that the sum total of all the factors that will positively or negatively affect our health must be looked upon as ecological variables because our health is in constant interplay with them.

If we must stay healthy, we need to engage in practices and behaviors that encourage and motivate individuals to engage in a style of living that helps us towards a more constructive and healthy life.

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According to Sorochon, a health educator, there are a number of variables that characterize an individual approaching a high level of wellness; these include:

1. Freedom from disease, infirmity or psychological disorder.

2. Ability to resist infections and communicable diseases

3. Adaptability to cope with and overcome all types of stresses in everyday life.

4. Feeling of accomplishment and self-realization.

5. Feeling of contentment and happiness.

6. Aspiration for a safer and more abundant life for oneself and for the society.

7. Feeling of being worthy members of the society.

8. Feeling of a spiritual awareness for a purpose in the life and that living and life itself are worthy.

9. Feeling of responsibility for others and willingness to get involved with them.

The following are requirement for a sound physical and health fitness condition:

1. Regular blood pressure check (BP Check)

2. Regular blood sugar monitoring

3. Periodic eye tests

4. Eating well

5. Engaging in regular exercises ( As prescribe by an expert)

6. Finding time to rest

7. Engaging in production endeavors.

Recently the American Hearth Association published seven steps/approaches to improve cardiovascular health by 20% and reduce death from cardiovascular diseases and stroke by 20%. The seven goals for achieving ideal cardiovascular health are;

1. Never smoked or quit smoking more than a year ago

2. Body mass index, a measure based on weight and height less than 25.

3. Physical exercise, at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity each week.

4. Four key components of a healthy diet, such as: fewer calories, more fruits and vegetable and oil fish such as salmon four times a week.

5. Total cholesterol lower than 200.

6. Blood pressure below 120/80mmHg

7. Fasting blood sugar below 100

This strategy of seven simple steps makes it a lifestyle-worthy approach for each individual.

It is also important for us to know how to manage stress of every life. Learn and practice the following:

1. Change your attitude and emotional habits; your attitude determines how you will respond to a particular event. Always adopt positive attitudes.

2. Do something about your work environment. Plan well, manage your time effectively, train your subordinates and delegate responsibilities.

3. Take care or your body. Eat well, Rest well and exercise regularly.

Finally, once an illness is diagnosed, follow your treatment plan religiously and keep in touch with your health care providers. For free body fitness exercise Click Here!


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